Stage presence: Powering Releese's digital music revolution



Use case

Headless CMS

Releese music platform homepage and dashboard

By moving our website's backend to Payload, Releese has seamlessly rolled out more engaging content, driving a significant increase in website traffic and user engagement.

Releese logo
Maxence Pepin, Chief Executive Officer, Releese

By the numbers: The impact of Payload

Leveraging Payload alongside Next.js, OMNIUX built Releese a website that was on par with its modern platform—and the benefits were immediately apparent.


Lighthouse SEO score on both mobile and desktop


Increase in organic impressions


Month-over-month increase of paid subscribers


Content production speed; the Releese team spends 60% less time rolling out content compared to its previous CMS, Strapi and Ghost.

In a music industry dominated by digital giants and fragmented tools,'s mission is daunting: give creators back what belongs to them.

Their next-generation SaaS platform helps artists, managers, and labels do everything from publishing music to platforms like Spotify, to handling rights management, project planning, and more. But they needed a website that could keep up with their app.

Pairing with OMNIUX, a Payload partner agency, Releese was eager to transition away from Ghost and Strapi to a more flexible solution. The end result is already paying dividends.


Replatforming to a modern solution

Releese needed a platform that could effectively address their need for streamlined operations, improved SEO, and enhanced customization.

Swapping out the old with the new

Releese's previous content management system was ultimately a combination of two separate platforms, limiting their ability to manage content effectively and best represent their modern SaaS.

Lagging SEO performance

Releese needed to dramatically improve their SEO to increase visibility and attract more traffic, aiming for top-tier performance metrics.

Limited customization capabilities

The previous system did not offer the necessary customization options to fully express the brand’s vision and functionality.

Releese blog in the CMS, and an article and the archive on the front end

Introducing Payload and Next.js

OMNIUX implemented Payload and Next.js to deliver a flexible, high-performance website that doubled Releese's traffic and showcased their innovative platform.

SEO optimization

OMNIUX extended the SEO plugin to include custom Open Graph and Twitter fields, a key feature of the project. This additional flexibility is especially useful for long form content, where Releese wanted more control over their Open Graph metadata.

Enhanced developer experience

Payload's seamless developer experience allowed OMNIUX to customize the platform tailored to Releese's specific needs, including the creation of custom components.

Better control over brand identity

Many CMS's lock companies into a rigid CMS, and brand ultimately suffers. With a purpose-built platform behind their site, Releese was allowed the freedom to style their website however they wanted, whenever they want, creating a unique and engaging user experience.

Releese color picker settings

Putting creators back in control

Over a four-month period, OMNIUX transformed Releese's website, leveraging Payload alongside Next.js to deliver a fast, SEO-optimized, and highly customizable platform. The dividends were immediate, as Releese has witnessed significant gains in performance and traffic, while being empowered to present their groundbreaking application with a captivating site.

This project underscored Releese's commitment to putting creators back in control, revolutionizing their footprint in the digital music industry.

Releese about page, with rich text and SEO in the CMS

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