Add postgres data via drizzle

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wiesson9 months ago

I have like 18k images that I'd like to import (just into the db, images are stored within the cdn), therefore basically like to create 18k db entries only.

I'm wondering how I use




to do that

I have seen

but I don't get it because drizzle says sth like

await db.insert(users).values([{ name: 'Andrew' }, { name: 'Dan' }]);

(example from here:


So where do I get the users model? (or in my case the media model?)

  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    It looks like we may be missing some type inference, but you should be able to access the table by passing

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    wiesson9 months ago

    Yes! That was the missing part!

    const chunkArray = (array, chunkSize) => {
      const chunks = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += chunkSize) {
        chunks.push(array.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
      return chunks;
    const doAction = async () => {
      await payload.init({
        secret: PAYLOAD_SECRET,
        local: true,
      const toImport = => ({
        createdAt: image.created_at,
        updatedAt: image.updated_at || image.created_at,
        alt: image.alt || "",
        caption: image.caption || "",
        url: image.url || "",
        filename: image.image || "",
        mime_type: image.type || "",
      const chunks = chunkArray(toImport, 500);
      for (const chunk of chunks) {
        await payload.db.drizzle.insert(payload.db.tables["media"]).values(chunk);
  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    @wiesson Amazing 🙌

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    wiesson9 months ago

    If I have time, I could do a PR with extended documentation how to import data

  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    That would be much appreciated 👍 Probably in this area of the docs
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    wiesson9 months ago

    I'm basically replacing my old Django app with Payload and I have exportet all data as JSON and I'm now writing migration scripts to add the data to the DB

  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    Wow, sounds like a good amount of work. Looks like you're well on your way, though.

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    wiesson9 months ago

    btw, I wanted to use

    await payload.create({ collection: "media", data: { ... data here ... } })

    but I don't want to upload the file, because it's already stored inside the CDN

  • discord user avatar
    9 months ago

    Hmm, yeah that's tricky.

    Could do an


    after the fact, but on creation I believe you need to pass the asset

  • default discord avatar
    wiesson9 months ago

    One question - I'm using the


    field as my CDN url. But it gets overwritten somehow when I try to display the thumbnailImage

    I assume that payload tries to create the URL for me (based on my static url + filename?)

    Besides that, 18532 images imported ✅ 🙂

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