Additional added fields in Media object API are not returned

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loaialsharee12 months ago

Hi! I am having a collection that has an upload field. When I use the API endpoint to get the collection data including the media object related, I only receive the media object with the following fields by default:














. However, all additionally added fields using


hook in media collection are not returned even though they are successfully stored in media db. Is there anything I need to enable/configure to be able to return them as well?

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    imcorfitz12 months ago

    How does the object in MongoDB look?

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    loaialsharee12 months ago

    @imcorfitz It looks like this:

    _id: ObjectId('id')
    external_url: "test"
    filename: "test-18.png"
    mimeType: "image/png"
    filesize: 4369
    width: 248
    height: 71
    __v: 0

    I need to get the


    field to be part of the returned API.

    Update: When I put the endpoint within the collection itself, that field appears, but when I put the endpoint in


    , the field disappears. That is even more confusing because I intent to place the endpoint within


    not within the collection

    Update2: It seems that my issue was that I have set the field directly to

    hidden: true

    thinking that it will disable the field from appearing on the UI, while the reality is that it was actually hiding the field from appearing in the API.

          name: 'external_url',
          type: 'text',
          hidden: true

    The correct implementation for hiding the field from admin UI is that it should be wrapped with admin config like this:

          name: 'external_url',
          type: 'text',
          admin: {
            hidden: true,

    This would hide it from admin UI but keep it in the API. Thankss!!

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    imcorfitz12 months ago


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