Alert user if they are deleting an item that is referenced somewhere else

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mrl7last year

Hi all, is there a way in payload to alert a user if they are deleting an item that is referenced somewhere else?

e.g. If I have a collection of


and these are used as a reference on the


. A user can select what


they wish to show on the



If a user removes a


, it breaks the


as the reference no longer exists. I would like to alert or stop the user from deleting that news post until they have removed the reference. Is this possible?

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    majohannsenlast year

    You could use a beforeDelete hook on the newsPost collection and check if the homePage references this Post. If so you could then throw an error to prevent the post from being deleted.

    But i don't know if this is the best solution bc when there are many collections that can reference this collection (e.g. Media) all these collections have to be checked one by one.

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