Are Globals supposed to allow me to create multiple records?

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unclaimed1052last year

Hello, today I'm using globals for the first time. As I understand it, and as the payload AI chatbot confirmed, globals are supposed to allow me to create a single record. For some reason, inside my admin panel I can create multiple. Here is my code

import { GlobalConfig } from 'payload/types'
import { TextLeft } from '../CustomComponents/ShopBlockImage1'
import Products from './Products'
import ShopMedia from './ShopMedia'

const Shop: GlobalConfig = {
  slug: 'shop',
  access: {
    read: () => true,
    // create: () => true,
    update: () => true,
    // delete: () => true,
  fields: [
      name: 'title',
      type: 'text',
      label: 'Titolo'
      name: 'description',
      type: 'textarea',
      label: 'Descrizione'
      type: 'upload',
      relationTo: ShopMedia.slug,
      name: 'shopHeaderImage',
      label: 'Foto header'
      type: 'ui',
      name: 'shopBlock1',
      admin: {
        components: {
          Field: TextLeft,
      name: 'shopProducts',
      type: 'relationship',
      relationTo: Products.slug,
      hasMany: true,
    // Add a relationship to products, so when an admin wants to list and de-list products from the shop it is easier as it doesn't need to be deleted to remove it from the Shop page

export default Shop

Is it normal? Thanks!

Payload "version": "1.11.5"

Screenshot of my admin panel

I have tried to drop the Shop collection from MongoDB and populated it again, but it showed the same behavior (can create multiple records)

  • default discord avatar
    imcorfitzlast year

    Where in your


    have you added this



    If it is in the


    array, that's the issue.. Needs to be inside a


    array in the config

  • default discord avatar
    unclaimed1052last year

    Oh... yes it was inside the collections array

    Thank you!

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