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Are we able to sort by a related document's field with the REST API?

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allannnclast year

Hey! I'm looking to do a REST query like

                where: {
                  user: {
                sort: 'event.startsAt',
                depth: 1, // get event data too
              { addQueryPrefix: true }

But it doesn't seem like sorting by a relationship's nested field is possible. So I've gone with a frontend .sort() after querying instead

Just want to confirm that my understanding is correct here (we can't sort by a related doc's field)

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    @allannnc I'm not sure about doing this with builtins, but it may exist. Alternatively, you could add an entry to the collections "endpoints" array so that you can manually sort the data and send it back

  • default discord avatar
    allannnclast year

    Thanks for the reply! I think I'll stick with the frontend sort as it ends up being the same amount of work anyway

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    That's fair! If it were a large amount of items, I would say it's faster on the backend, otherwise a frontend sort works!

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