Array "Add Button" above array

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etmartinkazoolast year

Is there a way to move the button that adds a new item in an array field from underneath said array to the top of the array? In arrays with a lot of items this seems like a better UX option. I may be missing this option in the docs.


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    thisisnotchrislast year

    Hello @etmartinkazoo - I created a discussion for this issue
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    Jarrodlast year

    @etmartinkazoo I imagine we could play with the design if needed. However that would raise some other things to tackle. If it's at the top, where does the new item get created? At the bottom or the top?

    Did you know you could add items by opening the triple-dot menu on any array item? From there you can add an item below the item you interacted with.

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    thisisnotchrislast year

    That's a good point too @Jarrod

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    etmartinkazoolast year

    @Jarrod I should have been a bit more specific regarding our use case. I have a notes array and would in this case like the newest notes on top with the oldest notes at the bottom. This array can get rather long but to your point using the three dots is a very reasonable solution that I should have thought of!

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