im using the nested docs plugin to create pages, now i want to get a page based on the url it has, which basically means the last item in the breadcrumbs array that is created. the ai-help suggested this query:
which looks like this for me:
this simply doesnt work, however removing [$last] does filter on the breadcrumbs.url, but it does so on all the fields.
what is the correct query to use here?
I use the following query to retrieve documents by path
Or, put another way ...
const query = {
'breadcrumbs.url': {
equals: `/${pathArray.join('/')}`,
'slug': {
equals: pathArray.slice(-1)[0],
the end result here is that you should not have multiple documents that match both the breadcrumb url (at any level of the array), and the slug ...
If your URL's look like
then you'll have problems here ... as a request for
will match all children as well, the requesting code would then need to go through the array of docs returned and find the appropriate match ... but hopefully, your URL structure is sane and doesn't contain repetitions like this.
this make perfect sense, ill try this, thanks david
this solved it, where[breadcrumbs.url][equals]=/path/to/slug&where[slug][equals]=slug
you saved my day
@1039510116476649502glad this was sorted out!
This is related to a question I just posted here guys, sorry to re-open that issue but I am facing a similar problem with the nested docs plugin.
I have a nested collection (called page-categories) and setting it up and creating nested categories work fine.
I am trying to query it and can't get it to work.
I am doing the query proposed here in this thread, but I only get an error "Something went wrong".
So what I am doing is:
This is already failing for me with above error. Is it because "breadcrumbs" is an array and I cannot simply call "url" on that array field? How do I query an array field actually? Is that even possible?
Hopefully somebody can help with this!
I'm having trouble with this as well.
If anyone stumbles across this thread in the future and needs an alternative solution, here's what I ended up doing. It might not be ideal, but it should work:
Using a
hook on your collection, you can add a readOnly
field to the collection. The hook can automatically generate the url using the breadcrumbs/slug and always keep it up-to-date. Then it's super easy to query by the url field.
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