Hello! I am trying to use a Block on a collection, but not inside of a Layout. The reason is that it's difficult to predict the type of the data on the frontend when iterating over the JSON structure of layout. Can I use Blocks without them being within a Layout field? Thanks!
Example scenario
I have a Global, 'Home Page'. I want to display an Image Banner Block, an About Us Block and a Panels Block.
The type would end up being something like this for the DTO
interface HomePage {
layout: (Banner | AboutSection | { panels: Panel[] })[];
globalType: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
id: string;
But that's not the easiest to iterate over as the Blocks do not share the same structure
I feel like it would almost be better to have layout mapped out by key (id of the block instance?)
interface HomePage {
layout: {
homePageBanner: Banner
homePagePanels: Panels[]
homePageAboutSection: AboutSection
That way when you go to use the data, you can specify
, and the type is already available
@jmikrut Doesn't this seem like a cleaner approach to the layout object?
Currently, here is my unfinished mapping of this data on my frontend. Not super pleasant to work with:
next: (data) => {
// This is bad use of TS, fix.
this.panels = (
(block: any) => block.blockType === 'Panels'
)[0] as any
this.banner = data.layout.filter(
(block: any) => block.blockType === 'Banner'
this.cta = data.layout.filter(
(block: any) => block.blockType === 'CallToAction'
error: (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
if (error.status === 404 || error.status === 500) {
console.error('Unable to reach Payload API');
} else {
(Ignore lack of length check, etc)
@noheadphones What are your thoughts on this? Am I doing something completely wrong with this approach?
(apart from using Observables lol)
The only other clean option I can imagine is explicitly listing the structure of Layout in the order currently in the CMS
Perhaps I need to use multiple layouts
One per block
But I imagine Layout would still be an array
If the layout of that page is known and fixed, do you even need to use
here? Wouldn't it make more sense to just make
in that case? 🤔
doh' you're right, that would be better
yea that was my thought but then i got distracted
@jmikrut Same issue I think
Not going to copy all the json but
using groups, the structure was generated as follows
const HomePage: GlobalConfig = {
slug: "homePage",
access: {
read: () => true,
update: isCmsAdmin,
fields: [
name: "mainbanner",
label: "Main Banner",
type: "group",
fields: [
name: "bannerTitle",
label: "Image Banner Title",
type: "text",
required: true,
name: "bannerSubTitle",
label: "Image Banner SubTitle",
type: "text",
required: true,
name: "image",
type: "upload",
relationTo: "media",
required: true,
I think I was expecting something like
fields: {
mainbanner: {}
because the whole idea was to make it so I didn't have to iterate over fields and check the type
is this not what you're getting out of the API?
From the API, I have my main fields array
But I guess I was expecting the groups to be available via key rather than iterating over nested fields
But that may not be possible
That was I assumed it would return as well, is that not the case? Like in your example,
? 🤔
nope, it is
name: "mainbanner",
label: "Main Banner",
type: "group",
fields: [
name: "bannerTitle",
label: "Image Banner Title",
type: "text",
required: true,
So I'm thinking filtering is non avoidable
That's your config though, what does the data look like? 👀
I think I might be misunderstanding what you're trying to do. 😄
Is what you're trying to do not on the front end side?
oh wait maybe im just over tired
its perfect
, right?im just a moron
I had changed the structure and mongo recorded that
so the json output is dirty
let me make a new global
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