Can we restrict an user to a specific locale ?

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Britiklast year

Hello !

Scenario :

I have 2 users and 2 locales (EN, FR).

I have a Post collection with localized fields, but can I achieve to restrict user to edit only their attributed locale ?

-> The FR user could not edit the EN posts.

I thought about duplicate a post for each locale, add a locale field in users collection and in the post collection, and filter posts by the current user's locale field.

Any ideas about this ? Thanks in advance

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    damnstaychilllast year

    Not 100% but in the roles and access function you might be able to read locale and grant / deny access based on it

    So they can only read/write etc if the locale matches the collection

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Hey @Britik yes you can access




    from the


    property when you set your access control.

    I would do something like this:

      access: {
        update: ({ req: { locale, language } }) => {
          if (locale === language) return true;
          return false;

    This compares the language you set in account options against the current locale, if they match you can update, otherwise you can read but not update.

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