Change admin menu labels

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akacronoslast year

Hi! is there a way to change the auto label for the main nav in the admin? The admin uses the slug of a collection as the text, can I change it manually?

// Collection File Media.js
const Activities = {
  slug: 'activitiesPage',

In the example, the admin sets the admin text link to

Activities Page

, I want to use

Página de actividades
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    last year

    Hey @akacronos yes you can set custom collection labels like this:

    const Activities = {
      slug: 'activitiesPage',
        labels: {
          singular: 'Página de actividades',
          plural: 'Páginas de actividades',
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    akacronoslast year

    For some reason, de labels prop don't do anything, but I use label and works! Thanks!

      slug: 'homePage',
      label: 'Página de inicio',

    For collections needs


    but for globals wokrs with

  • Correct ⬆️

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    aksara10 months ago

    Hello, I know its a simple thing, but how do I change the label and add a new collections?

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