Custom CSP for Payload in Express server with frontend app

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58bits8 months ago

Posting here in case anyone else comes across this. We have a custom express server serving both Payload and our frontend app. Payload admin is available via


The frontend app and Payload have quite different CSP settings. If you're using

- then you can chain helmet middleware and return different policies depending on the request path. For example...

// CSP policy via helmet
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  let middleware
  // If we've mounted Payload CMS on /admin - change the CSP to suit.
  if (req.path.startsWith('/admin')) {
    middleware = helmet({
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        'script-src': [
          'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', ''],
          'media-src': ["'self'", 'data:', ''],
          'default-src': ["'self'"]
  } else {
    middleware = helmet({
      crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        // NOTE: Remove reportOnly when you're ready to enforce this CSP
        // reportOnly: true,
        directives: {
          'connect-src': [
            ENVIRONMENT === 'development' ? 'ws:' : null,
          'script-src': [
            "'self'", // Ignored by CSP 3 compliant browsers when strict-dynamic - here for backwards compat.
            "'unsafe-inline'", // Ignored by CSP 3 compliant browsers when strict-dynamic - here for backwards compat.
            'https:', // Ignored by CSP 3 compliant browsers when strict-dynamic - here for backwards compat.
            'http:', // Ignored by CSP 3 compliant browsers when strict-dynamic - here for backwards compat.
            (_, res) => `'nonce-${res.locals.cspNonce}'`
          'script-src-attr': [
            (_, res) => `'nonce-${res.locals.cspNonce}'`
          'font-src': ["'self'"],
          'frame-src': ["'self'"],
          'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', ''],
          'media-src': ["'self'", 'data:', ''],
          'default-src': ["'self'"],
          'upgrade-insecure-requests': null

  middleware(req, res, next)

Hope this helps ;-)

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