Custom express route body is empty

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juliandm1995last year

Does anybody know why req.body is empty in my custom express route?

I'm doing a get request to /test. The request is being received correctly, but when I try to extract parameters from the Body, I get nothing

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    allannnclast year

    are you sending anything in the body?

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    juliandm1995last year

    Yes, I'm sending a json in the body. And the response is being received. I set that route in server.ts

  • default discord avatar
    allannnclast year

    do you have an


    somewhere in your server.ts?

    i would also try changing it to

    to receive a


    personally my get routes usually use URL/query params as opposed to a req body

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    juliandm1995last year

    That worked!! Thanks 😄

  • default discord avatar
    allannnclast year

    nice one!

  • default discord avatar
    juliandm1995last year

    The app.use(express.json()); worked.

    And about the post, you are right, that is a better practice. This was just a test. In the real function code I'm using a post request. Thanks! 😄

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