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Error: payload.config

default discord avatar
taun2160last year

Hi. Error:

 Parsing error: 'from' expected.eslint
'from' expected.ts(1005)
'from' expected.

Any ideas?

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    @taun2160 I think this error is because your path import is incomplete

    import path from 'path'
  • default discord avatar
    taun2160last year

    Thanks Chris. New error:

    Run autofix to sort these imports!eslintsimple-import-sort/imports

    after runnign autofix - " + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException"

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    Your eslint is mandating the imports be sorted in a certain way

    I think

    Can we see your eslintrc file

  • default discord avatar
    taun2160last year
    module.exports = {
      extends: ['@payloadcms'],
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