File permissions for Digital Ocean Spaces + CDN

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paulpopuslast year

Hey, so I'm using the official cloud storage plugin configured with the S3 adapter for DO spaces and my files upload correctly however they're all being uploaded with "private" permissions by default and there doesn't seem to be a way to change that; therefore any files I upload isn't publicly accessible by end users via the CDN.

I tried enabling

disablePayloadAccessControl: true,

in case it did something internally but it didn't help in this regard.

Short of hacking the plugin, is there another solution people have?

Ok found the solution, just add

acl: 'public-read',

into your adapter config and then all uploaded files will be public in the bucket

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    anodyne_onelast year

    Thank you for not only posting this question but your solution to it -- it's helped me solve the same issue over 8 months later

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