graphql custom query on upload relationship returns null instead of data

default discord avatar
megetron_last year

querying with graphql on a custom query doesn't query a relationship data.

        search: {
          type: payload.Query.fields.Products.type,
          args: {
            input: {
              type: new GraphQL.GraphQLInputObjectType
                name: 'SearchInput',
                fields: {
                  term: { type:  GraphQL.GraphQLString },
          resolve: search,

//search file
export default async (parent, args, context) => {  
  let query:any = {
    collection: "products",
    where: {},
  if(args.input.term) = { contains: args.input.term }
  const products = await context.req.payload.find(query);
  for (let product of{
    console.log(product) // output below

  return products;

//products output:

  id: '6458a18fceb82968a83902cd',
  mainImage: {
    id: '6458a18eceb82968a83902c9',

//query the graphql
query getAllProducts($input: SearchInput! = { term: "SE" }) {
  search(input: $input) {
    docs {
      mainImage {
  "data": {
    "search": {
      "docs": [
          "mainImage": null // mainImage is null

      name: 'mainImage',
      type: 'upload',
      relationTo: 'media-main',
  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    Does adding

    depth: 0

    to your local API find() query fix it?

    That was an issue that I had

  • default discord avatar
    megetron_last year

    yes. it solved the issue 😶

  • default discord avatar
    paulpopuslast year

    I'll make sure to document this!

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