GraphQL sometimes replacing hyphens and commas with underscores

default discord avatar
sesonslast year

Hello fellas, would anyone know why the value of something in gql has hyphens and commas replaced with underscores? This does not occur when accessing data with REST

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    This is because GraphQL doesn't allow dashes

    nothing Payload can do there unfortunately. To keep parity, I would avoid using dashes in field names

    use camelCase instead

    or undrescores, either way

  • default discord avatar
    sesonslast year

    so just to clarify, is that just for strings that are prefixed with a hyphen? i.e. i just can't start a value with a -

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    any hyphen at all, anywhere

    doesn't need to be prefixed


    will be turned into

  • default discord avatar
    sesonslast year

    sorry to clarify this is for the value of a field, not a field name in itself

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    like a select field for example?

    yep, same thing applies there as well. select values / radio values are


    s in graphql

    and enums can't have dashes either

  • default discord avatar
    sesonslast year

    ah ok makes sense

    thank you

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