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Have relationship field show a different field from the related entity rather than ID

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zenwhiskers04 weeks ago

import { CollectionConfig } from "payload";

export const Artists: CollectionConfig = {

slug: "artists",

fields: [


name: "name",

type: "text",

required: true,



name: "tracks",

type: "join",

collection: "tracks",

on: "artist",




import {




} from "@payloadcms/richtext-lexical";

import { CollectionConfig } from "payload";

export const Tracks: CollectionConfig = {

slug: "tracks",

admin: {

useAsTitle: "title",


fields: [


name: "artist",

type: "relationship",

relationTo: "artists"




When I go to assign an Artist to a Track from the Track page, the Track page shows the id of the artist (currently "1" or "2"). I'd like it to instead say the I did not see this in the docs, so sorry if I missed it, still learning!

I figured it out. I need to use { admin: useAsTitle: name } } on the Artists collection config

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    webdevkaleemlast month

    thank you for sharing the solution

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