I have the following DOM element select:
<select title="select" value={selectedOption} onChange={(e) => handleChange(e, path)}>
{options.map((option, index) => <option value={option}>{option}</option>)}
The above works as expected
I'm trying to use payload's Select, as referenced in the subject title. I imagine hooks is the way to manage state, as onChange isn't provided - but they aren't ever triggered?
<Select name='select' label="my select" options={options} hooks={{
afterChange: [() => console.log('afterChange')],
beforeChange: [() => console.log('beforeChange')],
afterRead: [() => console.log('afterRead')],
beforeValidate: [() => console.log('beforeValidate')],
}} />
Am I missing something? I would like to set a default value from
and update the selected value onChange (as achieved in the first example)
I linked the wrong import path in our last discussion. 1 min
Ok so you will want to import the Select component like so
import SelectInput from 'payload/dist/admin/components/forms/field-types/Select/Input';
(see the component here:
This will give you the styled component - so it looks and feels like other payload select components.
What you need to do is implement similar functionality seen in this file in your custom Field component:
https://github.com/payloadcms/payload/blob/master/src/admin/components/forms/field-types/Select/index.tsxYou can see how that file imports the
<SelectInput />
which is the one you will import, all of the state management (getting and setting options for your custom select) will live in a file that then passes props (onChange, value, options, etc) down to the SelectInput component.
I hope this makes sense and steers you in the right direction!!
Hi @jarrod_not
jared , I'm back! Following your recommendation above I have the following:<SelectInput
options={options.map(option => option...)}
onChange={e => handlePrerequisiteChange(e, path)}
onChange={e => handlePrerequisiteChange(e, path)}
{options.map((option, index) => (
<option key={
r-${index}} value={
* I'm still using
, I can't see how to make use of
(without violating react hook laws). How could I update each dropdown with useFields? My implementation is below
* Changing an option in my select won't trigger the clean/dirty flag for saving/publishing changes but sometimes persists when other fields change
Hopefully the content below will help paint a picture of what I'm working with and why I chose
// fields param is from:
// const { fields, dispatch } = useFormFields(([fields, dispatch]) => ({ fields, dispatch }))
const generateOptions: (fields: any) => string[] = fields => {
const numberOfPages = pageState.pages.value
const questionCombination = [...Array(numberOfPages).keys()].flatMap(pageNo =>
getAnswerOptionsFromAnswerTypes( // checks if boolean/multiple choice, etc
// assuming there is currently only one question and answer
).map<ConditionalLogicOptions>(option => ({
question: fields[
answer: fields[
]?.value || '',
return questionCombination
Here's a screenshot displaying the dropdown comprised of state from multiple fields.
for the
triggers the clean/dirty flag for saving a draft/publishing and reloading sends it back to its previous value, so it's still not persisting
I've used
instead of
useState` to set the selectedOption. That sorts out my clean/dirty and the reload.
The only remaining issue is converting my un-styled select to your SelectInput. My select HTML is still as above. I'm getting page ids coming through for the dropdown when I use the following:
options={options.map((option) => ({</option>)
label: option,
value: option
onChange={e => handlePrerequisiteChange(e, path)}
i am heading down this journey now, do you have some source code you wouldnt mind sharing
Hey Aaron, I'm hoping to make this publicly available at some point soon, perhaps as a plugin? In the interim, it's currently baked into closed source code, will send a DM for the time being
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