Hi All,
We're working on an upgrade to Payload 2.0 in a monorepo setup.
Everything went fairly smoothly - we followed the 2.0 release notes here
https://github.com/payloadcms/payload/releases/tag/v2.0.0and we can build Payload using the webpackBundler fine. The admin dashboard loads fine as well.
However, I think we're still missing something in terms of where Payload is looking for configuration information. We have a few custom components that call
etc., but they're returning empty objects and cause errors when we try to access a collection that has one of our special components in it.
We start payload in dev as follows:
"dev": "PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=../cms/dist/payload.config.js NODE_ENV=development remix dev --manual -c \"node --conditions=serve server.js\" | pino-pretty",
And our custom express server initializes Payload as...
import cms from '@project/cms'
const { payload } = cms
// Payload section here - top level await since we're now an ESM module
await payload.init({
express: app,
onInit: () => {
payload.logger.info(`Payload Admin URL: ${payload.getAdminURL()}`)
We've read in the docs that it may help to pass the Payload config directly to init...
https://github.com/payloadcms/payload/blob/3e5149bc432578b5c547e19eb9ed360d8e6c4626/packages/payload/src/config/types.ts#L115- would this help? Confess we're not 100% sure how this works.
Feels like we're missing something fundamental when we bootstrap payload. Any thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated.
If this helps - it's not just our components.
is returning an empty object for the new Lexical richtext editor....
map is failing because collections in
const { collections } = useConfig()
is undefined @Alessio🍣 any ideas?
First thing I'd do is to absolutely make sure that you do not have duplicate versions of payload, react or react-dom installed.
99% of times, if a react hook like that returns undefined, it's because that piece of code is using a different, duplicated version of payload/react/react-dom
Had a similar problem inside the payload repo too - one thing which helped was switching from yarn monorepos to pnpm monorepos. pnpm seems to handle that better
Thanks @Alessio🍣 - I'll try a few things.
You were spot on, and we found the duplicate version of Payload - thanks @Alessio🍣
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