How to perform validation on an image's dimensions in an upload collection?

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sibergenomelast year

I can't find any options in the documentation for uploads on how to add a validation error for an image's dimensions. Has anyone implemented this before? Any info in any demos, or hopefully some docs that I've missed?


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    imcorfitzlast year

    I believe you should use the hooks.beforeValidate to do this.

    Edit: I have now tested it 😄

     hooks: {
        beforeValidate: [
          (req): void => {
            const image =;
            // Make sure uploaded image is big enough
            if (image && image.width < 640) {
              throw new Error('Image must be at least 640px wide');

  • default discord avatar
    sibergenomelast year

    Thanks heaps! Works smoothly and perfectly. I love a simple solution.

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