how to Serialize lexical editor in payloadcms?

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dasmergolast year

hello i added default lexical serializer to my payload project but have no idea where to call it?

can any one help me with this?

i have so bad connection due to Iranian government censorship so i uploaded the images somewhere else -_-

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    linobino1last year

    You should call the serializer in your frontend. It's meant to serialize the data of a lexical field to html.

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    last year

    What linobino1 said! An alternative solution would be serializing it directly in an AfterRead hook, so that you won't have to do it in the front end anymore / so that the frontend receives the full html string.

    Just gotta make sure not to do that for admin panel visits & only for API calls though, as that would unnecessary slow down the admin panel

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    58bitslast year

    @dasmergo Is your front end React? If so this might help....

    It will be included in the Lexical plugin for Payload soon.

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    dasmergolast year

    thanks for your response, I'm using the mighty 😄 NextJS

    i think there is no difference for this purpose

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    58bitslast year

    It will be there as an example React serializer that you can use in any React frontend.

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    dasmergolast year


  • default discord avatar
    58bitslast year

    @dasmergo The example ReactSerializer can be found here...

    - although not 100% complete, it might help in getting started.

  • default discord avatar
    dasmergolast year


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