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How to update an upload field via the REST Api when it is inside a group field?

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notchrlast year

Hello all!

I'm attempting to update a group field on a collection, the group consists of upload fields.

I have a "documents" upload-enabled collection, and I've tested uploading files to it via REST and that works as expected.

I then want to update my "example" collection which has a "forms" field that is of the type Group.

So first I make a call to upload the file, that returns the document in the response.

I then attempt to make a PATCH request to a specific doc in my Example collection.

From what I can see, the body needs to be the part of the collection that should update, so in my instance, I've tried the following...

    // Error
    let obj: any = {};
    obj['forms.dealerLicense'] =;

    // Error
    let obj: any = {};
    obj['forms.dealerLicense'] = doc;

    // Error
    let obj: any = {
      forms: { dealerLicense: }

I either get a 400 error, or I get

[{message: "Updating the path 'forms.dealerLicense' would create a conflict at 'forms'"}]

As a note, forms would eventually be like...

forms: {a: '', b: ''}

When I inspect the dev tools for what patch the admin panel does, it looks the same as

forms: { dealerLicense: }

@jarrod69420 😄

The relevant portion in the PATCH issued by the admin panel has:


so I know I need to pass the doc.ID, but it still claims it would create a conflict at 'forms'

(when I try to do my own patch)

  • default discord avatar
    jarrod69420last year

    can you paste your related field config

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    sure thing

    Example Collection

    This is the "forms" field group on my example collection
          name: "forms",
          label: "Forms / Documents",
          type: "group",
          fields: [
              name: "dealerLicense",
              label: "Dealer License",
              type: "upload",
              relationTo: "dealer-documents",
              required: false,
              name: "exampleb",
              type: "upload",
              relationTo: "dealer-documents",
              required: false,
              name: "examplec",
              type: "upload",
              relationTo: "dealer-documents",
              required: false,
              name: "exampled",
              type: "upload",
              relationTo: "dealer-documents",
              required: false,

    Upload Enabled collection

    const DealerDocuments: CollectionConfig = {
      slug: "dealer-documents",
      access: {
        read: () => true,
        update: () => true,
        create: () => true,
        delete: () => true,
      upload: {
        staticURL: "/payload/uploads/dealer-documents",
          process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
            ? process.env.PAYLOAD_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH_PROD
            : process.env.PAYLOAD_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH_DEV,
        imageSizes: [],
        adminThumbnail: "thumbnail",
        mimeTypes: ["application/pdf", "image/*"],
      fields: [
          name: "dealerId",
          label: "Dealership ID",
          type: "text",
          required: true,

    Client method to update Example collection with uploaded doc

      public updateDealerForms(token: string, docId: string, doc: DealerDocument) {
      // Note: docId was being used as the key for obj.forms (e.g. "dealerLicense") but I'm manually setting it here
        let obj: any = {};
        obj['forms.dealerLicense'] =;
        return this.http
          .patch(this.apiRoot + 'dealerships/' + token, obj)
            catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) =>
              throwError(() => new Error(error.message))

    Client method to upload document

      /** Dealership Application - Document Uploads */
      public uploadDealerDocument(token: string, file: File) {
        const formData = new FormData();
        formData.append('dealerId', token);
        formData.append('file', file);
        return this.http
          .post<{ message: string; doc: DealerDocument }>(
            this.apiRoot + 'dealer-documents',
            catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) =>
              throwError(() => new Error(error.message))
  • default discord avatar
    jarrod69420last year

    hmmm, well to start I do think you should be sending your data in object form like you showed in your attempts above

      forms: {
  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    @jarrod69420 When I try that format, I get

     BSONTypeError: Argument passed in must be a string of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters or an integer

    wait maybe not


    not sure what i did differently though


  • default discord avatar
    jarrod69420last year

    so it is working?

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    Yes @jarrod69420 - maybe it was how I shaped my object, but it seems to be OK now

    Thank you 🙂

  • default discord avatar
    jarrod69420last year
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