How to use near in a query?

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Rafael Nepomucenolast year

Does anyone have an example of how to use near in a query? I am getting the following error: "near must be first in: { $near: null }". It is requiring Float instead of coordinates and distance.

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    noheadphoneslast year

    Haven't used the points field yet but you might need to update the where query to use


    so a bit like this

    where: {
      and: [
    status: {equals: 'ON' }
    near: //...logic

    excuse the formatting 😅

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    Jarrodlast year

    Hey @Rafael Nepomuceno I have used em a bunch, just format em like this:

    coordinates: {
      near: [
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    Rafael Nepomucenolast year

    Wow! And that. I quickly tested it in graphql playground and it worked. Thank you very much. I was already connecting directly to mongo to solve this. 🤷‍♂️

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    Jarrodlast year

    Awesome, happy to help. Have fun!

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