Initial Deployment Failed on Payload Cloud

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leesk0311 months ago

Hey all,

I am trying to deploy a blank payload template to the cloud but it never builds successfully.

I've started the blank template locally with

npx create-payload-app

and connected to a mongodb atlas connection. Then connected both and tested locally and worked fine!

I haven't done any modification to the blank template at all, so it's still defaults payload one. I then connected it to a payload cloud project, added the correct ENV vars and pushed live but it always fails to build

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    Hey @Leesk03 , can you get me your Project ID from Settings -> Billing? I can take a look.

  • default discord avatar
    leesk0311 months ago

    Hey @denolfe thanks! This is my project id 65501c1c84ca19c2fb7f9c7f

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    Others have reported a similar issue to this, but I have not been able to recreate.

    Does everything build as expected locally?

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    leesk0311 months ago

    Yes! Both build and dist folders are created correctly

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    Thank you for the report. I was able to recreate the issue. Will look into this 👍

  • default discord avatar
    leesk0311 months ago

    Thanks for that! Let me know if I can provide any extra info

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    Appears to be a downstream dependency issue, looking into it. Issue being tracked here:
  • default discord avatar
    leesk0311 months ago

    Ohh okay! I'll keep on top of that issue

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    A workaround has been added to that issue. Add the following to your package.json:

    "resolutions": {
      "jackspeak": "2.1.1"
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