it seems that the initial migration is not happening when you launch with
yarn run serve
... if I launch with
yarn run dev
then the database is properly setup.
I am trying to create a template for Railway and in my testing I have found that the migration is not happening until I run dev.
Do I need to migrate for production manually? - run payload migrate:create
yarn run payload migrate
Yes, you need to explicitly call migrate for production. The automatic pushing of the scheme only happens during development.
so when trying to deploy with docker, we need to add the migration script to the docker file
Yes, you'll want your migrations directory included. By default, it should go to src/migrations, which will be compiled to dist/migrations
I have not gone through this entire flow including docker, though. Let me know if you run into any issues.
I am not a docker expert so I am now just trying to add a start script to run the migrations
the have added the create and migrate script to package .json serve script so that it runs before launching the server but I am getting errors , Wondering if I should be running is somewhere else?
yarn run v1.22.19
$ cross-env ; payload migrate:create; payload migrate; PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=dist/payload.config.js NODE_ENV=production node dist/server.js
[01:49:50] INFO (payload): Starting Payload...
throw new Error(`Error creating migration: ${err.message}`);
Error: Error creating migration: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir '/home/node/app/src/migrations'
at migrate (/home/node/app/node_modules/payload/dist/bin/migrate.js:89:23)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Node.js v18.8.0
[01:49:54] INFO (payload): Starting Payload...
[01:49:54] INFO (payload): No migrations to run.
[01:49:54] INFO (payload): Done.
Database postgresql://
(node:28) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[01:49:58] INFO (payload): Starting Payload...
[01:49:58] INFO (payload): Payload Admin URL: /admin
I'm a bit confused, it looks like you're trying to create a migration on startup?
The flow should be:
- Perform all development changes to your config
- When ready, run
yarn payload migrate:create initial
- This will create a new file in
by default
- In production, before starting your application, you should run
yarn payload migrate
to run any migration that has not run.
I can do this manually and it works fine, I am trying to integrate it in to CI/CD system based off of a build from a Docker file; so it needs to be integrated into the build process. Trying to determine the rignt place for the script to run and make sure the environment is set properly with proper env variables is what has been tricky for me
How you approach this is going to depend on your environment. Initializing your app with a script that calls migrate before serve is an option here.
I am going to wait until there is more documentation around the migration scripts... right now I am getting prompted in the middle of the CI script which is a non-starter and needs a resolution. There needs to be a way to force a default response and I cannot find it in the documentation
? No schema changes detected. Would you like to create a blank migration file? › (y/N)
thanks for your help - I am going to have to find another solution for automating the build
It looks like you're trying to run migrate:create instead of migrate.
Is this the case?
I resolved the issue by removing migrate:create from the automated build process. I am assuming that the migration files should be created and committed to the repo. the workflow requires the user to run migrate:create so all the CI script needs to do is run the migrate script
Yes, this is the correct flow 👍
I've run into similar problems in CI/CD and after being able to do the
yarn payload migrate:create initial
in my local environment - which successfully creates the
entry, I then run into the following pesky issue in subsequent calls when CI/CD runs this call
yarn payload migrate
? It looks like you've run Payload in dev mode, meaning you've dynamically pushed changes to your database.
I have confirmed that CI/CD creates a migration record after
yarn payload migrate
with a name of
Did you ever solve this? I'm having the same exact issue
Might want to edit this to hide your DB info
Indeed, I have. Essentially, I run the following command before I push my code:
"migrate:create": "cross-env PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=src/payload.config.ts payload migrate:create",
If I have any migrations that need to be generated, this does it for me locally, and then I push my code.
to be clear that is a package.json script invoked via:
yarn migrate:create
I appreciate that, but I have my migrations generated and pushed to version control. It's when I try to run the migrations, I get this error:
> cross-env PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=src/payload/payload.config.ts payload migrate
[04:38:59] INFO (payload): Starting Payload...
[04:38:59] INFO (payload): Reading migration files from /opt/render/project/src/src/migrations
? It looks like you've run Payload in dev mode, meaning you've dynamically pushed changes to your database.
I'm deploying on Render with this build command:
npm --production=false install; npm run build
and this pre-deploy command
npm --production=true run payload migrate
and I have
in my environment variables. So... I'm just a bit miffed
Ahh nevermind, I think I've realized what happened. The 1st time I built the app, I didn't have my NODE_ENV variable set in render, so it automatically updated the database structure. Then I added it in, and made more changes before generating the 1st migration. So my dev and prod databases are in different places, causing the migrations to fail in production.
Hi guuys
Having the exact same issue here (with initial migration)
Would any of you mind sharing their dockerfile ?
I fail to understand what commands to run before running the 'payload migrate' command
Do you need to throw a 'yarn build' in there ?
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