[Live preview] Relationship fields and images returning `null`

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tinouti11 months ago

I'm currently trying to migrate from


to Payload 2.x's built-in live preview.

My relationship and upload fields all return


in the front-end data, regardless of the content of the field or the


parameter passed in



I'm running out of ideas to investigate this further... any suggestions? 🙏

The code I use to grab the data on the front-end:

const { data } = useLivePreview<CmsArticle|null>({
  initialData: null,
  serverURL: "http://localhost:3000",
  depth: 10, // removing/changing this does not change anything
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    leerechan11 months ago

    I have a similar issue. I encountered it while using useLivePreview, and it's unclear whether it's a bug or my mistake. I display an image in one place, but after using the useLivePreview hook, the object representing the image is replaced with a string ID of the image. In the screenshot, you can see that the first render of the page have consistent image data, both from GraphQL and the hook's data. Then, the information about the image from the useLivePreview hook becomes a string with an ID. My assumption is that after the page preview renders, preview iframe receives messages from the form where, for some reason, the image is not stored as a complete object. Changing the depth parameter doesn't help too.

    console.log(initialPage.contact.contactInfos.image[0].image) const { data } = useLivePreview<Station>({ initialData: initialPage, serverURL: 'http://localhost:3000', }) console.log(data.contact.contactInfos.image[0].image)
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    tinouti11 months ago

    Hmm interesting, so you are at least getting the data.

    I wonder if, in my case, this is to do with me setting the


    to null. 🤔

    In your case, it does indeed very much look like a depth issue, but if the


    parameter does not change anything... 🤷‍♂️

    Looks like it might be time to take a look under the hood and see how this thing is made! 😄

    Ah, looks like a known issue actually:


    Hmmm actually, I'm somehow just now noticing CORS errors, which might be related...


    Oooh now that I've fixed the CORS problem, it seems that it might be an issue with the live preview system making API calls to get the relationship data, and not being able to due to authentication.

    Welp, adding my domain to the


    setting in my payload config did the trick. 🙌

    So tldr for folks that might stumble upon the same issue of getting


    in place of your relationship fields data, make sure your front-end is allowed to make requests to Payload using the




    options in the Payload config. ✅


      cors: [ 'http://localhost:3001' ],
      csrf: [ 'http://localhost:3001' ],
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    eustachi011 months ago

    I'm having similar issues.

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