I'm about to start building a saas application.
I'd like to use payloadcms to handle all of the content. And then use a t3 like setup to handle to application side of things. What is the recommend way of extending the database (postgres)? Can I add new table schemas? Or is the recommended approach to define all my tables as payload collections?
the question is: why do you need to extend the database?
If i want to use a single database, but only use payloadcms to handle the marketing content
then custom tables for the saas site of things
or, do i go all in on payloadcms and use it for everything... marketing content + saas app
it's a separation of concerns issue more than a technology split issue; if hackers take down your entire marketing site, it shouldn't drag down your SaaS app
if there's no need for your marketing site to talk to the SaaS app they should be developed as two separate apps
yeah, that's my thinking. so you'd use two databases... one for payload, one for the saas thinger
you can use payload as a backend for both, but they would be separate instances
Say I wanted a multi-type search, that gave search results from marketing content and app data... is there a suggested way to have app data in the same database as Payload? I'm thinking different tables in a Postgres database using drizzle. But, how would migrations work?
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