Moving the Forms and Form Submissions collection to a different group?

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2me2youlast year

The form builder plugin takes care of creating the collection for Forms and Form Submissions, however, I can't seem to find a way to put them in a different group in the sidebar. I assumed I could pass the group property in the FormBuilder config as part of the config parameter but that doesn't seem to work. Is this possible?

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    ritsu0455last year

    did you try with that?




    should work

    import { buildConfig } from "payload/config";
    import formBuilder from "@payloadcms/plugin-form-builder";
      plugins: [formBuilder({
       formOverrides: {
          group: "My group"
       formSubmissionOverrides: {
         group: "My group"
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    2me2youlast year

    Putting the group inside the admin property works. Thanks a lot! 🙏

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    ritsu0455last year

    i forgot that you also need to put it inside admin too, but it's good that you solved it.

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