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Next Trace EPERM Error: server already running - how can I stop it?

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taun2160last year

Hi. How can I stop the server to rerun it? If it's already running I receive a Next trace eperm error:

 yarn run v1.22.19
$ ts-node server.ts
[14:04:35] INFO (payload): Connected to Mongo server successfully!
[14:04:35] INFO (payload): Starting Payload...
info  - Loaded env from F:\git\Melex\Mono-repo\Melex_Mono_1\.env
event - compiled client and server successfully in 2.5s (160 modules)
uncaughtException [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'F:\git\Melex\Mono-repo\Melex_Mono_1\.next\trace'] {
  errno: -4048,
  code: 'EPERM',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'F:\\git\\Melex\\Mono-repo\\Melex_Mono_1\\.next\\trace'
error Command failed with exit code 1.

I'm using custom next server mono-repo template
  • default discord avatar
    martafiixeklast year

    Kill Node.js processes

  • default discord avatar
    notchrlast year

    @taun2160 Which operating system?

  • default discord avatar
    taun2160last year


  • default discord avatar
    martafiixeklast year

    I sometimes shut down the terminal that I ran Next.js app with, yet the Node.js process still runs

    Therefore you have to go into task manager and kill it the Node process manually

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