Payload and NextJS - Same or separate repo / environment ?

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sssspray9 months ago

Hello! I'm interested in trying a new headless CMS, and I came across Payload. I have a quick question: When using NextJS, do you recommend integrating Payload into the same repository and deploying it on Vercel along with the frontend? Or would it be better to separate the admin/payload from the main site? I understand that this is a common question, but I couldn't find a clear answer. I believe it also depends on the application, so I would appreciate hearing your thoughts, especially from those who have faced the same question.

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    terraxel9 months ago

    I believe it depends as you said. It depends on your application, maybe, but also on your vision, for sure. My own vision of it is that it should be separated. I see headless as a content provider, that's it. I want to have a rest api and a graphql api that provides me the data to build pages, of course, but also different types of contents. I like it to be independent.

    (However, I would like to clarify that I'm no pro of payloadcms 🙂 )

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    sssspray9 months ago

    @Terraxel Yes, I also tend to think it's best to separate it, but as I've seen other including them, and as it's also explained in the doc, I was thinking that maybe there are some benefits to keeping them together. Thanks for the reply !

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    christopher.nowlan9 months ago

    @chuck I've built a few websites with PayloadCMS and Nextjs and I tend to keep the repository seperate. I host the payload CMS on one server and Nextjs part on vercel

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    clement63969 months ago

    I've personally chosen to separate the two projects again, as I think that integrating Payload into Nextjs requires a lot more maintenance during version upgrades.

    But I use a monorepo to share types

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    imcorfitz9 months ago

    On that note - if you don't mind me asking, despite not being 100% related to the question. Have you upgraded to Payload 2.0? We are running same setup using a monorepo. And whenever we trigger


    it automatically copies it to our Next app.

    "generate:types": "turbo run generate:types && cp apps/cms/src/payload-types.ts apps/web/payload-types.ts"

    However, since Payload 2.0 the


    script also adds a module declaration to the types file, and since my Next.js app doesn't have payload as a dependency, it throws an error now, and requires me to manually go in and remove that part:

    declare module 'payload' {
      export interface GeneratedTypes {
        collections: {
          // Collections
        globals: {
          // Globals

    If you have faced similar - how do you combat it? Adding payload as a dependency to Next.js? Manually removing it? Adding a quick bin script to execute the removing automatically after generating the types? I am curious. 🤔

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    clement63969 months ago

    I have no problem with type generation

    I don't copy the payload-type file but import it from Next

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    terraxel9 months ago

    Wouldn't it be easier to use a codegen for requests instead of generating types and sharing them ?

    graphql-codegen for graphql api, and nswag for http api for example

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    imcorfitz9 months ago

    Ah see - proper use of monorepo. Clever lad you are.

    I tried using graphQL-codegen. I found it a bit - too much? I didn't feel like the hassle was worth the result. You might argue that the type-safety is better, but I still found it to overly complicate my codebase. It didn't feel as elegant. Might have done it wrong, but I didn't fancy it. Full disclaimer - this is a personal opinion.

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    clement63969 months ago

    I don't feel I need an extra layer, a simple fetch with my type as a parameter is more than enough to type my entire project.

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    abernier8 months ago

    Usecase: a project with a


    collection. Each page is just a list of "blocks" user-contributed. Each block of data, rendered by a React component in a Next app.

    In this usecase, it made a lot of sense to me to be able to collocate my block-definition along the React component that will render it.

    a bit like collocating graphql fragment with RC pattern

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    jimpex8 months ago

    For future reference for anyone that is interested here is a blog post payload released that talks about this topic
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    abernier8 months ago

    awesome article

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