First off, I have to say Payload is amazing and the community even more so. I am blown away on the daily.
My repo has 3 branches. I can successfully deploy
dev, but the third branch
preview-testreverts to dev when after updating.
The select field displays the correct select item but reverts to dev when navigating to the overview and back to settings and on page refresh.
I suppose I could just use dev but this seems like strange behavior.
but the third branch preview-test reverts to dev when after updating
Can you expand upon this? You're saying that on your project's settings page, you change the branch to preview-test, but it
switches back to devautomatically?
@denolfe yes, that's correct.
As if it really doesn't like that third branch.
It might be more accurate to say that it doesn't switch back before my eyes, but it never accepts the third select option. It will display the selection, but it does not persist.
@denolfe something strange is going on. I nuked the branches, then recreated dev. Cloud refuses to see the updated commit to dev. I am creating a new project.
If you're able to, I'd love to chat on Monday and walk through what you're seeing.
I can see in the logs that we were triggering deploys based upon the preview-test branch. If we can get it back to that state, I can troubleshoot what may have been going on.
@denolfe You guys are amazing. I already nuked those branches and my account. Running fast and dirty over here. I will try to recreate the issue by Monday.
@denolfe I am still seeing the issue of selecting branch to deploy with a totally fresh account and project.
Then navigate to somewhere else, say environment variables…
Upon return to settings, I see the branch to deploy has reverted.
Would this be a limitation of the account type, standard vs pro?
Although the logs show the branch selected…
Could be a display bug only?
Taking a look now
From your description, it sounds like a UI bug.
Let me see if I can recreate
This was after a successful initial deploy, correct?
It looks like the branch select field is defaulting
to the firstitem in the list
That sounds like the issue you're seeing.
I will log this as a bug, and we'll get it fixed.
Aha, so I am not crazy. Thank goodness.
@denolfe something else may be going on… I have a successful deploy (of main) however the changes made to main are not reflected in the deployment. For example, the new deployment should be the payload example "next preview" with pages. The live main deployment still shows the original blank template from project creation.
Do the latest deploy logs reference the proper branch?
@denolfe they did, but now the logs are not displaying in the overview at all. Odd. Triggering redeployment.
Yes, the build logs are showing the correct commit, after some delay earlier. Need to test with a new branch to see if that is also working. BRB
Ok, yes, the correct branch and commit are now deploying as expected. Thank you again!
Unfortunately, I am still facing the same issue on the Payload Cloud, the project is called
I see your email and will take a look very soon
Thank you! Replied via email. Happy to ellaborate.
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