Payload Cloud uploading project with S3 bucket and Mongo Serverless

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.alp3n12 months ago


I managed to upload my project for tests to Payload Cloud with already integrated S3 bucket and Mongo Atlas, and right now I would like to login to admin panel, but it shows my secret key at the bottom of the screen (red notification) and I can't access it.

Error: No write concern mode named 'majority PAYLOAD_SECRET=XXXX' found in replica set configuration

Site built correctly like on my local machine but unfortunately no access to admin panel.

Is there a way to quick fix it without changing the settings of the project to use payload cloud provided s3 and mongo?


Okay 😅 I checked my mongodb url in env variables and somehow I copy-pasted secret under it in one key=value pair.

  • discord user avatar
    12 months ago

    Ah, glad you were able to get it figured out 👍

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