PayloadCMS and Astro, how to get PayloadCMS Globals in Astro?

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toybreaker.last year

I am using the started template generously provided by @andr-ec

but cant figure out the code i need to write to get Paylod globals come up in Astro...

i tried to add this into the Astro api.ts:

export async function getGlobals(query: any = null): Promise<PayloadGlobal<BrandDetail>> {
  const stringifiedQuery = qs.stringify(
    { addQueryPrefix: true }

  const brandingData = await apiFetch(
  return brandingData

i also added this to types.ts:

export interface PayloadGlobal<GlobalType> {
  totalDocs: number
  docs: GlobalType[]
  limit: number

is this the right way?

PayloadCMS and Astro, how to get PayloadCMS Globals in Astro?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Looking at your payload config, it doesn't look like you have any globals defined

    Once you have it defined, you'll access it through



    Here is an example of a global in your config:

    globals: [
          slug: 'my-global',
          fields: [
              name: 'my-field',
              type: 'text',
  • default discord avatar
    toybreaker.last year

    thanks Elliot,

    i need to make clear that started with Lambdo's template and already built on top of that, so now i do have them defined in



    import { GlobalConfig } from 'payload/types';
    const BrandDetails: GlobalConfig = {
      slug: 'brand-details',
      access: {
        read: () => true,
      fields: [
          name: 'brandName',
          label: 'Brand Name',
          type: 'text',
          name: 'brandMission',
          label: 'Brand Mission',
          type: 'text',
    export default BrandDetails;

    and also in payload.config.ts:

     globals: [

    and also they come up in payload-types.ts:

    export interface BrandDetail {
      id: string;
      brandName?: string;
      brandMission?: string;

    and they do show in the api at:


    brandName    "Branded one"
    brandMission    "CHARMING"
    globalType    "brand-details"
    createdAt    "2022-12-13T08:55:23.191Z"
    updatedAt    "2022-12-13T08:55:23.191Z"
    id    "63983dfb8bc556444453f24c"

    what i having trouble with,

    is what code i need in Astro to bring them up in the webpage?

    since they have a different structure compared to collections,

    i haven't figured out the code to query the backend to make globals available in the front end...

    pardon my ignorance,

    i have not much experience with this tech,

    i did look into the docs,

    found no code example for it...

    It could be good for you experts and developer

    to know where entry level beginners get stuck,

    so you can smooth out the learning curve

    and boost onboarding for newbies like me ...

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    It sounds like at this point you'd look at the Astro documentation to figure out how to fetch and render the data.

    I'm not familiar with Astro myself and usually only work with React

    We're building out examples of multiple frontends integrating with Payload, so we may have an example eventually.

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    toybreaker.last year

    "We're building out examples of multiple frontends integrating with Payload, so we may have an example eventually."

    looking forward for this!

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    That template looks like it has an example of retrieving data in the frontend dir

    did you see that?

  • default discord avatar
    toybreaker.last year

    yes, i did, i build a 99% complete website with it already, but used only collections, with i got it sussed ... my only trouble is with globals...

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Ah, I see

  • default discord avatar
    toybreaker.last year

    its a commercial job, un-launched so i cannot actually share neither the code nor any screenshot yet...

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    All good. I think now that you know how globals are structured different from a collection, you could probably figure it out.

  • default discord avatar
    toybreaker.last year

    i will keep on banging my head on it till i get it Elliot, or maybe just wait for some Astro code examples or tuts from Payload crew to appear!

  • default discord avatar
    captken.last year

    @toybreaker did you get this figured out? Astro looks good, how has been your experience with getting them to work?

  • default discord avatar
    toybreaker.last year

    Yes i did! 🙏

    Astro is great, feels powerful the more i learn how to use it, especially their new experimental Assets management and the new built in Image features.

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    dankuta7 months ago

    Do you mind sharing how you got this to work eventually

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