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Querying Multi-Collection Relationship Field Error

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notchr5 months ago


Looking into it

Though, if you got the

Not supported

error, it may be

Seems like it should be though

This is postgres?

I'm searching for your exact error message, so far I've founmd

            throw new InvalidConfiguration(
              'Unique is not supported in Postgres for hasMany text fields.',
            throw new InvalidConfiguration(
              'Unique is not supported in Postgres for hasMany number fields.',

what is your exact message

ill try to match it with the codebase


That's the payload error?

Might be from here

Doesn't seem right though

That's the only instance of that exact error message in the codebase from what I can see

Whats the access function look like


I wonder if there is a workaround to get the data you need

Yeah that seems to be the error

Or where it gets thrown

We don't know which condition failed though

It does seem odd that's not available

Though, you could tackle some of this logic. For instance, setting the user preference


maybe it's just contains?

Would like..

equals work?

and how about


in: [1, 2, 3]


Based on those conditions?

This is on v2 right?

ok i created a v3 instance


So i created an Items collection

a Fruits collection

and a Vegetables collection

How should i setup to mirror what youre attempting

ok i did

like this

then enable access?

for read?

Error: formattedValue.replace is not a function

import type { CollectionConfig } from 'payload'
import { accessTo } from '../TestAccess'

export const Items: CollectionConfig = {
  slug: 'items',
  admin: {
    useAsTitle: 'title',
  access: {
    read: accessTo,
  fields: [
    { name: 'title', type: 'text' },
      admin: {
        allowCreate: false,
        // @TODO Enable this when not debugging
        hidden: false,
      hasMany: true,
      label: 'Created For',
      name: 'created_for',
      relationTo: ['fruits', 'vegetables'],
      required: true,
      type: 'relationship',

import type { Access } from 'payload'

export const accessTo: Access = ({ req }) => {
  return {
    created_for: {
      contains: 1,

its deff in the access fn

i changed it to return true and the error went away

I cancheck

I think i setup this v3 instance like 2-3 weeks ago

When i do this

export const accessTo: Access = ({ data, id }) => {
  console.log(data, id)
  return true


I can see

  title: 'Hello World',
  updatedAt: '2024-08-28T15:05:06.687Z',
  createdAt: '2024-08-28T15:05:06.687Z',
  created_for: [
    { relationTo: 'fruits', value: '66cf3a89ec8261afd0393ad3' },
    { relationTo: 'vegetables', value: '66cf3a93ec8261afd0393b35' }

would a length check on


not be the same?


Well im not sure why i get like a bunch of undefined then the value

Do you always get ID back


Note: Field Access Controls does not support returning Query constraints like Collection Access Control does.

Is the access supposed to limit document operations

or specific to the field


So you didn't want to use roles?

Like in your case fruits and vegetables are types of users?

I see

I was wondering if the admin access rule could maybe help

  access: {
    admin: ({ req: { user }}) => {
      return Boolean(user)

which specifically restricts access to auth enabled collections


I can definitely brainstorm a bit

Sorry I couldnt be more helpful 😄

Always happy to help - I'll keep this open so someone else who may know more can add some info

I'm not the best with relational data stuff, but there are some folks here!

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    mykz_7 months ago

    Really appreciate it!

    Yeah, I thought maybe I have the query syntax wrong for relationship fields, but then it wouldn't work for a single relationTo.

    tried also

    'field.ID': {contains: 1}


    field: {
     collection1: {
      contains: 1,

    yeah, postgres

    Error: Not supported

    gives me 500 error


    I'm using the query in a access function return.

    Not sure if that matters, but wanted to mention it.

    import type { Access } from 'payload'
    export const accessTo: Access = ({ req }) => {
      return {
        created_for: {
          contains: 1,

      admin: {
        allowCreate: false,
        // @TODO Enable this when not debugging
        hidden: false,
      hasMany: true,
      label: 'Created For',
      name: 'created_for',
      relationTo: ['partners', 'clubs'],
      required: true,
      type: 'relationship',
      index: true,

    This is the field

    so I tested

    relationTo: 'partners'

    and it worked.


    I have content that is going to created from different relations

    - Partners

    - Clubs

    - Groups

    So you could have a Partner create and Event or have a Club under a Partner create and Event etc.

    My plan was to have a switcher set a cookie or a preference on the user and the access controls would filter based on the partner, club, group in the created_for field.

    if that makes sense.

    So you can switch between a partner, club, or group and the access would filter the content based on reference fields value.

    it's fairly complex, but thought the query api would support a multi relationTo query.


    why it makes me think my query syntax is wrong.

    no, same error for equals

    same error

    I'm just looking through the code where the throw happens to see if I can meet a condition maybe.

    Doesn't look like it's supported tho.

    no sorry v3

    also seems that the throw is for 'upload' case in the drizzle package on beta branch.

    sorry my bad it's for both

    Create a created_for field on your items collection that has this

      admin: {
        allowCreate: false,
        // @TODO Enable this when not debugging
        hidden: false,
      hasMany: true,
      label: 'Created For',
      name: 'created_for',
      relationTo: ['fruits', 'vegetables'],
      required: true,
      type: 'relationship',
      index: true,

    then you can create a access function for the items collection

    import type { Access } from 'payload'
    export const accessTo: Access = ({ req }) => {
      return {
        created_for: {
          contains: 1,

    create an item that at has a reference and then assign the access function and you should get the error when trying to view the list or single item.


    yeah, or all I don't think it maters.


    whats your accessTo look like?

    looks fine.


    I can do the same with my setup and then I don't get the Not Support error.

    super odd you get a different error though

    are you at beta.91 or higher?

    I wasn’t getting anything back from data when I tried

    Was undefined

    Yeah, I could just do the check on data, but how would that work on lists?

    Maybe the data is empty on a list view?

    Only on a single view an id is available

    Will double check

    For document

    The field is just so I know who has access to that document

    it's a little more complicated from my side.

    I have users but they can have multiple memberships to say Partners, Clubs and Groups.

    then they would have roles for the membership they reside under if that make sense.

    this just disables admin access and makes it api only right?

    it's kinda like a multi-tenant app but with more than one tenancy if that make sense.

    Partners, Clubs and Groups instead of just a single tenancy.

    I might have to split the fields out into the different tenancies instead of having a single field I guess.

    you've been more than helpful man.

    it's just super complex system I'm trying to build and I'm not sure if Payload can support it maybe.

    sounds good man thanks!


    Solved it in the end and it was a syntax error like I thought.

    So it should be like this:

    {'field.value': { in: [1, 2, 3] }}
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