Reorder columns in collections

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CAPTKENlast year

How do you reorder the columns in a collections - for example in the Users Collection - hide ID - then arrange Full Name | Email | Address | Phone number in this order? Thanks

  • default discord avatar
    yhn5790last year
    admin: {
       defaultColumns: ["fullName", "email", "address", "phoneNumber"],

    Use the default columns field inside collections admin object.

    If you are an existing user then the previous order would be stored in


    table so in such cases you would have unselect all the options in columns in the list view and add it back in the order you want.

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Columns are drag and drop, so you shouldn’t have to deselect and reselect, instead just drag them into your preferred order. Your changes will save to your user’s preferences as @yhn5790 mentioned.


    is used to initialize which columns are enabled by default and the order they appear for users without saved preferences.

  • default discord avatar
    CAPTKENlast year

    Many thanks for the pointers - works great

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