Role validation

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shisuelast year


I'm creating the user roles, and I want to make the role of organization Manager require the field organization to be filled.

I am currently using validate on the organization field, such that I check if the role organizationMember was added or not. The issue is, the value is checked against the "current" state of user, such that I am able to add the role organizationMember without failing the check, but after the role being added, the check starts working and requesting the field organization to be filled.

I want to make it so the role cannot be added unless the field is filled.

{ name: 'organization', label: 'Organization', type: 'text', validate: (value, { user }) => { console.log(user) if (user?.roles.includes('organizationManager') || user?.roles.includes('organizationMember')) { return value ? true : 'Please provide a value' } return true; }, // relationTo: 'organizations', // hasMany: false, },
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    superwafflepuffslast year

    what does your roles field look like?

    if it's a select you can use

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    shisuelast year

    Yea it is, it looks like this:

    { name: 'roles', label: 'Roles', type: 'select', hasMany: true, defaultValue: ['user'], options: [ { label: 'User', value: 'user', }, { label: 'Admin', value: 'admin', }, { label: 'Organization Manager', value: 'organizationManager', }, { label: 'Organization Member', value: 'organizationMember', }, { label: 'Funder', value: 'funder', }, { label: 'Facilitator', value: 'facilitator', } ], access: { read: () => true, update: () => true, create: () => true, }, saveToJWT: true, hooks: { beforeChange: [protectRoles], }, },
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    superwafflepuffslast year

    I think you can move your validation to the roles field in your user object

      name: 'roles',
      type: 'relationship',
      relationTo: 'roles',
      hasMany: true,
      validate (val, { data }) {
        if (val.includes('organizationManager') && !data.organization.length) {
          return 'You must provide an Organization Name to use the Organization Manager Role';
        return true;

    something like that (not tested)

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    shisuelast year

    Thanks! That logic worked

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