Typescript error

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ndeji11 months ago

I am trying to restrict access to the admin panel to just




both of which are roles on the user collection.

problem: I get the typescript error when i hover over


access control function:

 Type 'Access' is not assignable to type '(args?: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>'.
  Type 'AccessResult | Promise<AccessResult>' is not assignable to type 'boolean | Promise<boolean>'.
    Type 'Where' is not assignable to type 'boolean | Promise<boolean>'.
      Type 'Where' is missing the following properties from type 'Promise<boolean>': then, catch, finally, [Symbol.toStringTag]ts(2322)
types.d.ts(311, 9): The expected type comes from property 'admin' which is declared here on type '{ create?: Access; read?: Access; readVersions?: Access; update?: Access; delete?: Access; admin?: (args?: any) => boolean | Promise<boolean>; unlock?: Access; }'

Here is my Users collectio:

import { CollectionConfig } from "payload/types";
import isSuperAdmin from "../access/isSuperAdmin";
import isAdmin from "../access/isSuperAdmin";
import isSuperAdminOrAdmin from "../access/isSuperAdminOrAdmin";

const Users: CollectionConfig = {
  slug: "users",
  auth: {
    cookies: {
      // disabe "secure" property when in development mode, otherwise no cookies will be set
      // secure: process.env.PAYLOAD_ENV !== "development",
      sameSite: process.env.PAYLOAD_ENV === "testing" ? "none" : "lax",
  access: {
    create: isAdmin,
    admin: isSuperAdminOrAdmin,
  admin: {
    useAsTitle: "email",
  fields: [
      name: "fullName",
      label: "Full Name",
      type: "text",
      // required: true,
      name: "phoneNumber",
      type: "number",
      label: "Phone Number",
      // required: true,
      unique: true,
      name: "transactionPin",
      type: "number",
      label: "Transaction Pin",
      // hidden: true, #uncomment this to make Transaction Pin to be visible in the admin UI
      // required: true,
      unique: true,
      name: "roles",
      type: "select",
      hasMany: true,
      saveToJWT: true,
      options: [
          label: "Super Admin",
          value: "superAdmin",
          label: "Admin",
          value: "admin",
          label: "Api User",
          value: "apiUser",
          label: "Normal user",
          value: "normalUser",

export default Users;



import { Access } from "payload/types";
import { User } from "../payload-types";

const isSuperAdminOrAdmin: Access<any, User> = async ({ req: { user } }) => {
  const isSuperAdmin = user?.roles?.includes("superAdmin");
  const isAdmin = user?.roles?.includes("admin");

  return Boolean(isSuperAdmin || isAdmin);

export default isSuperAdminOrAdmin;
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    dr_mint11 months ago

    Hi! Pretty much what the error says: all the access controls expect an


    type function (which returns a boolean OR a Where), but the admin one expect a function that returns a boolean. Because


    is typed as


    , it means that it could, in theory, return either a boolean or a Where. Now looking at the function, it is clear it will only ever return a boolean, but Typescript doesn't know that.

    If you are using Typescript >= 4.9, you can use the


    keyword to let Typescript infer a more precise type for the function (in which case it will consider it a function that return a boolean), while still


    the requirements of being an


    function. It would look like this:

    const isSuperAdminOrAdmin = (({ req: { user } }) => {
      const isSuperAdmin = user?.roles?.includes("superAdmin");
      const isAdmin = user?.roles?.includes("admin");
      return Boolean(isSuperAdmin || isAdmin);
    }) satisfies Access<any, User>;

    I also removed the async as there wasn't any await inside the function

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    ndeji11 months ago

    @dr_mint I can't thank you enough, I am really grateful.

    The error has been resolved.

    If you don't mind, please where/how can I check the return type of Access function.

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    dr_mint11 months ago

    Glad it helped. If you are using VSCode, you should be able to hold the Ctrl key and left click on a variable/class/type. It will bring you to its definition. Alternatively, you can right-click on a type/variable/class/function and click on "Go to Definition" or "Go to Type Definition"

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    ndeji11 months ago

    It worked.

    However, I couldn't see a


    return type anywhere, perhaps I may be missing something.

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    dr_mint11 months ago

    The Where is part of the return type of the function. You need to do the same Ctrl+click maneuver on

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    ndeji11 months ago

    Got it now. Thank you once again.

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