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Use the value from another field inside a block.

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hosmelqlast year
  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Hey @hosmelq i'd just build a custom


    component for your


    field that's just a little "wrapper" around the built-in Code field

    there, you can use the


    hook to retrieve the field's value that will determine your code field's language

    and then adjust the props, and send to the built-in Code field

  • default discord avatar
    hosmelqlast year

    That's awesome 😱

    Is it a package?

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    no, you want to render the built-in field straight from Payload itself

    we don't expose the built-in Code field directly, but you can easily import it from dist

    import CodeField from 'payload/dist/admin/components/forms/field-types/Code
  • default discord avatar
    hosmelqlast year

    Ok, perfect. Thank you!

    To render this custom field i need to use the



  • discord user avatar
    last year

    no, you would want to use the


    field itself

    because you still want to store the data in the same way that the

    type: 'code'

    field will do



    field type will not store anything in the database at all

    that field type is good for cases where you just wanna inject a button, or a third-party integration, or something, into the admin UI - - but not store data

    instead, what you want to do is just have a code field, but simply render a custom code field component

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    hosmelqlast year

    Ok, got it. I have to use the


    property 😅

    I made it works with the following code.

    import {useFormFields} from 'payload/components/forms'
    import CodeField from 'payload/dist/admin/components/forms/field-types/Code'
    import type {Block, SelectField} from 'payload/types'
    import {createElement} from 'react'
    import type {Entries} from 'type-fest'
    const LANGUAGES = {
      go: 'Go',
      javascript: 'JavaScript',
      php: 'PHP',
      rust: 'Rust',
      typescript: 'TypeScript',
    export default {
      fields: [
          name: 'language',
          options: (Object.entries(LANGUAGES) as Entries<typeof LANGUAGES>).map(
            ([key, value]) => ({
              label: value,
              value: key,
          required: true,
          type: 'select',
          name: 'code',
          required: true,
          type: 'code',
          admin: {
            components: {
              Field(field: SelectField & {path?: string}) {
                const language = useFormFields(
                  ([fields]) => fields[`${field.path?.replace('code', 'language')}`]
                const value = language.value as keyof typeof LANGUAGES
                if (LANGUAGES[value] === undefined) {
                  return null
                return createElement(CodeField, {
                  admin: {
                    language: value,
                  path: field.path,
            language: 'php',
      slug: 'code',
    } satisfies Block

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