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Why is my generated type for my media collection possibly 'string'?

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alexr-iolast year

Hi, I have the following field on my collection:

      name: 'heroImage',
      type: 'upload',
      relationTo: 'media',
      admin: {
        condition: (_, siblingData) =>
          siblingData.showHero && !siblingData.makeSlider,

In my generated types, this field is defined as

string | Media

. Now, I understand the Media type, as this is just the generated type for the relation on this field, but I don't understand how it could possibly be string. Just wondering what cases I might need to handle where this field may be string?

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    Jarrodlast year

    @alexr-io set


    to 0 and then query a document in your collection


  • default discord avatar
    alexr-iolast year

    Perfect explanation, thank you

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    nickfdaylast year

    @Jarrod Encountered the same issue. Makes sense. Is there a rule I can set tsconfig to stop my editor complaining?

    property 'url' does not exist on type 'string | Media'.

    Property 'url' does not exist on type 'string'.ts(2339

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    Jarrodlast year

    It’s not really an error though. It could be a string, so the TS error is accurate. Maybe you’ll find some helpful info here:
  • default discord avatar
    thghlast year

    use typeof x === 'string' ? '' : x.url

  • default discord avatar
    nickfdaylast year

    Thanks I've just extended the interface otherwise I have to add a lot of ternary's

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