Can't set fileSize limit to Upload collection

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gonzam88last year
1 1

I'm a bit confused about the docs. I understand how to set a global limit but I want different limits in different upload collections: ie I have an images collection and a videos collection. In my videos collection I tried adding both filesize and fileSize (different case in the docs) in upload but it throws errors. Then there is an example in the global config in which it's inside a limit object, it also throws errors.


access: {},
upload: {
  mimeTypes: ['video/mp4'],
  fileSize: 5000000, // 5MB, written in bytes

Throws Collection "videos" > "upload.fileSize" is not allowed


access: {},
upload: {
  mimeTypes: ['video/mp4'],
  limits: {
    fileSize: 5000000, // 5MB, written in bytes

Also throws Collection "videos" > "upload.limits" is not allowed

What would the correct way to declare this be? Thanks in advance, 💖 payload

  • Selected Answer
    discord user avatar
    last year

    Hey @gonzam88 — I see what you're looking to do. And I think this is a totally reasonable request.

    As you've noticed, you can only specify global upload filesize limitations, but you can extend the built-in filesize field with a filesize field of your own, complete with a custom validation function that will enforce max upload sizes for you.

    Here's the built-in filesize field:

    const filesize = {
        name: 'filesize',
        label: 'File Size',
        type: 'number',
        admin: {
          readOnly: true,
          disabled: true,

    Just add that to your collection's base level with a custom validation function and then you're off to the races!

    1 reply
  • default discord avatar
    alexisbrouillettelast year

    I don't understand how to implement this. Can you give a bit more informations on where to add the filesize const in the collection and where to use it?

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