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Form hooks not returning when specifying custom component in actions

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TrueDub12 months ago
1 1

I have a custom component which is going to start a process to copy specified data to S3:

export const CustomPreviewButton: React.FC = () => {
	const form = useForm();
	console.log(JSON.stringify(form, null, 2));
	const { collection } = useDocumentInfo();
	console.log(JSON.stringify(collection, null, 2));
	const publish = async () => {

	return (
			<Button onClick={publish}>Publish to Preview</Button>

This custom component is added to my collection config as part of the admin section:

const Documents: CollectionConfig = {
	slug: 'documents',
	admin: {
		group: 'Global',
		useAsTitle: 'identifier',
		defaultColumns: ['identifier', 'slug'],
		hidden: isCollectionVisibleForRoles(['owner', 'admin', 'documentEditor']),
		components: {
			views: {
				Edit: {
					Default: {
						actions: [CustomPreviewButton]

Rest omitted.

My 2 hook calls in the custom component are always empty objects. Adding a useLocale() call gives me the correct locale, so hooks are working.

I'm sure I've misunderstood or omitted something - can anyone point me in the right direction?

  • Selected Answer
    default discord avatar
    TrueDub12 months ago

    I've changed approach, and solved this. Instead of using the views section I added a new UI field to the collection, giving my button class as the field entry. All hooks work perfectly now, and I can use these to deliver the functionality I need.

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