How to add a hook for password under user.ts

default discord avatar
clhomelast year
1 2

I need to determine whether the password strength meets the requirements when the user sets or changes the password. How can I set it up?
I can`t find password in user.ts,
How to add a hook for password under user.ts

  • Selected Answer
    discord user avatar
    last year

    Here is a code example for you:

     * Throws error if password strength is not met. Password must have:
     *  - 8 or more characters
     *  - uppercase and lowercase letters
     *  - at least one symbol
    const validatePassword: CollectionBeforeValidateHook = ({ data: { password } }) => {
      let message: string;
      if (password.length <= 8) message = 'Password must be at least 8 characters long';
      const hasUpperCase = /[A-Z]/.test(password);
      const hasLowerCase = /[a-z]/.test(password);
      if (!hasUpperCase || !hasLowerCase) message = 'Password must have both uppercase and lowercase letters')
      const hasSymbols = /[$-/:-?{-~!"^_`\[\]]/.test(password);
      if (!hasSymbols) message = 'Password must include at least one symbol.'
      if (message) throw new ValidationError([{ message, field: 'password'}]);
    // if you don't have a users collection already you need to make one to set the beforeValidate hook:
    const Users: CollectionConfig = {
      slug: 'users',
      auth: true,
      hooks: {
        beforeValidate: [validatePassword],
      fields: [],
    2 replies
  • default discord avatar
    clhomelast year

    Thank you very much, The problem has been resolved.

  • default discord avatar
    gycsabeszlast year

    @DanRibbens this won't get triggered before reset password API call (/api/[collection-slug]/reset-password). Moreover, it seems like none of the hooks gets triggered in that case. :( Any idea how to overcome this?

    Payload CMS version: 1.10.4

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    Great question!
    This has to be done in a beforeValidate function on the auth collection.

    1 reply
    default discord avatar
    clhomelast year

    sorry,I don't understand where to write beforeValidate , can you give me an example, thank you.

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