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how to count the number

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clhomelast year
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Hello everyone, I am a newbie
in collections,I create a c.ts,it contain C1,C2,C3,Now I wanna make c3=c1+c2,how to get c1,c2 value in c3's hook, pls help to how to do it,thanks,
my code is below:
import { CollectionConfig, Field } from 'payload/types';

const Tags: CollectionConfig = {
slug: 'c_sum',

admin: {
useAsTitle: 'name',
defaultColumns: ['name', 'c1','c2','c_sum']
access: {
read: () => true,
fields: [
type: 'text',
name: 'name',
type: 'number',
name: 'c1',
label: "c1",
type: 'number',
name: 'c2',
label: "c2",
type: 'number',
name: 'c_sum',
label: "c_sum",

timestamps: false,
export default Tags;`

  • Selected Answer
    default discord avatar
    clhomelast year

    i solved:

          type: 'number',
          name: 'c_sum',
          label: "c_sum",
          admin: {
            description: 'c1+c2',
          access: {
            update: () => false,
          hooks: {
            afterRead: [
              ({ data }) => {  
                return data.c1 + data.c2;            
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