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Uploaded file processing

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chladog2 years ago
1 2

Is there any way to specify the process that should run after file being uploaded?

For instance I want to force jpg/png to webp format for all uploaded images with "sharp" lib, either before or during image sizes generation.

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    discord user avatar
    2 years ago

    Hey @chladog — good question!

    What I'd do is probably leave the existing jpg / png in place, but add some new fields for your webp URLs to your upload-enabled collection. This way you still have the originals and can use them if your users' browsers are not webp-compatible.

    Here's how I'd do it:

    • Use an afterChange collection hook
    • In the hook, take the file from the req, and the req.payloadUploadSizes, and then convert both the main file and each of your resized versions to webp
    • Save the webp versions to disk or wherever
    • Grab their filenames and then add their filenames to the new fields in your document

    This could be a great plugin actually. I bet other people would have use for this as well.

    Does this help? I'd be happy to continue to shine some light here for you!

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    chladog2 years ago

    Thank you for great suggestions. Based on them I made a new plugin:
    npm payload-webp
    github here

    I hope it can be useful to anyone!
    I also extended your concept with afterDelete hook to delete webp files on media delete as well.

    I found out that some methods from payload src would be useful, though are not part of the package so I had to make similar ones. Especially would be useful. I also had to deep import these types: FileData, IncomingUploadType, AfterChangeHook, AfterDeleteHook - maybe make them accessible from payload/types? :-)

  • discord user avatar
    2 years ago

    @chladog This is awesome! We can look into exporting those upload field types. For the hook types, those are exported with a "Collection" prefix, so in this case you'd use CollectionAfterChangeHook and CollectionAfterDeleteHook.

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    chladog2 years ago

    While working on this another topic arised regarding image sizes config which currently allows to set just dimensions and crop position. However it would make more sense to be able to pass full sharp.resize options.
    Currently only hard crop is possible however I need to generate sizes with fit/contain property as my use case is that I want different image resolutions keeping their aspect ratios to be able to load correct image size per device with srcset.
    Additionally should be possible to provide only width or height, not mandatorily both, as that would be valid as well.

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    quornik2 years ago

    You need to provide two dimmensions, but one of them might be NULL, and in that case it is not processed.

    discord user avatar
    2 years ago

    Hey @chladog — yes, as @quornik is saying, you can currently pass null as a width or height which will allow images to keep their aspect ratio(s).

    But, we could also pretty easily add support for all other Sharp options, too. I have opened up a new Feature Request for that. Would be pretty easy.

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