Access control: add limit restriction

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Sandro Wegmannlast year

This might be a dumb question, but how do I add a limit to a query in access control?

I want to restrict read requests to the latest doc in the collection: If someone calls the GET /api/[collection] endpoint, it should only return the latest doc

I've tried modifying the req object, but without success.

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    noheadphoneslast year

    I think it's not a good idea to limit this (and the way you'd go about it is convoluted) in the access control, as the access control will affect local and other operations in payload

    I would limit read to only the users you want and then create your own API endpoint

    There you have full control over what parameters are available and what gets returned
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    Jarrodlast year

    You could do this, but you would have to set a field on the doc i.e. a checkbox and then when a new doc gets created use a hook to find all the docs where it’s checked, update them to unchecked and check the newest one

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