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Add user profile picture

default discord avatar
.gustavocardosolast year

I just added an upload fiels to my User collection. Is it possible to display this image instead of the default user icon in the sidebar?

  • You can create a custom avatar component that will allow you to do this. Check out the


    property here:

    Combine that with the


    hook to get the user and you should have all that you need 👍
  • default discord avatar
    .gustavocardosolast year

    Thank you for your answer. i'll take a look at those links you sent me!

  • default discord avatar
    txjxsx8 months ago

    hi @Gustavo Cardoso , know this is late but did you get around with uploading user profile pictures, i didn't get the answer above.

  • default discord avatar
    chandrashekharfakirpure5 months ago

    Can you please share the custom component code?

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