Best way to push or remove from arrays

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wmcmorrow2last year

How might I push or pull from an array using a patch REST query?

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    imcorfitzlast year

    I believe array fields should be considered fields as any other field type - meaning that you don't post an add or remove event of individual array items - rather you post how the new entire array should look like.

    So if for example you have an array from the API Get like this:


    and you want to remove


    - you would send a


    event where you would set your array value to


    . If you want to add


    you would send a patch event with array value:

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    wmcmorrow2last year

    I see, thanks for that! It's pity there's equivalent of $push or $pull so that you could edit pre-populated arrays without processing the objects back into strings on the front end

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    imcorfitzlast year

    Well - in theory, you could extend the api and create your own resolver that does it

    So you could create a GraphQL mutation thats called


    and then your resolver takes care of the merging locally.

    You can do the same for REST:
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    wmcmorrow2last year

    @imcorfitz Great, I'll check this out

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