Can we conditionally change field type based on a sibling value?

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gak4ulast year

I have a scenario where user needs to select a field type, based on selection I want to show either a text field or a richText field for a sibling field in the same collection. As of now to make this work, I have 2 fields which I conditionally show/hide based on field type selection.

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    chrispy.qlast year

    You could use a custom component from type ui and handle it by yourself as you can access the values from other input fields with the useFields or useFormFields hook.
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    notchrlast year

    @gak4u I think this is what conditions are for and they should work nicely

    Is the condition feature for fields not suitable?

    I imagine you would do something like

              name: "linkUrl",
              label: "Link URL",
              type: "text",
              required: false,
              admin: {
                condition: (data, siblingData, { user }) => {
                  if (siblingData.linkType === "url") {
                    return true;
                  } else {
                    return false;

    where linkType is a select field type

              name: "linkType",
              type: "select",
              hasMany: false,
              defaultValue: "url",
              admin: {
                  "Select if the Link should go to another page, a PDF, or show a modal with text.",
              options: [
                  label: "Link",
                  value: "url",
                  label: "PDF",
                  value: "pdf",
                  label: "Text",
                  value: "text",
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    gak4ulast year

    This is precisely what I am doing right now, but I am ending up having 2 separate fields to handle both senarios

                  name: "value",
                  type: "text",
                  label: "Value",
                  required: true,
                  admin: {
                    condition: (_, siblingData) => siblingData.type !== 'richText',
                  name: "rvalue",
                  type: "richText",
                  label: "Value",
                  admin: {
                    condition: (_, siblingData) => siblingData.type === 'richText',

    But as @Funo suggested, using a custom component will be a better solution

    @Funo Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it out

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    kaspartr4 months ago

    I am trying to use the custom component strategy to achieve conditional field types.

    I need to decide the field type based on the selected reference field in the same array.

    The problem is I don't know how to pass sibling data to the custom component. As this is an array, I cannot use the


    as it requires hardcoded field name, which in case of an array, you wouldn't know.

    How would one pass sibling data to custom component.

    My collection:

      fields: [
                  name: 'attributesArray', // required
                  type: 'array', // required
                  minRows: 0,
                  maxRows: 100,
                  fields: [
                      type: 'row', // required
                      fields: [
                          name: 'attribute',
                          type: 'relationship',
                          relationTo: ['attributes'],
                          name: 'featureValue',
                          type: 'ui',
                          admin: {
                            components: {
                              Field: () =>
                              FeatureValue({path: name}),

    FieldType (custom component)

    const FeatureValue: React.FC = (props: { siblingData? }) => {
        // const { value, setValue } = useField<string>({ path })
        const [fields] = useAllFormFields();
        console.log("siblingData: ", siblingData)
        return (// return some component);
    export default FeatureValue;

    Additional question is how to access the referenced field fields?

    In this example

    : I would need to access the referenced attribute's collection entity field named "dataType" which dictates the field type of the fieldValue field.

    I believe the broader question here is, can one access the referenced entity in another collection "deeply" i.e. can I access all the fields of a referenced entity not just its id,

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