Can't update array value programatically?

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derosullast year

Hi all, I'm trying to update an array field from another custom UI component I'm creating.

The field definition:

  name: 'tickers',
  type: 'array',
  fields: [
      name: 'symbol',
      type: 'text'

How I'm trying to update the field's value:

const myField = useField({ path: 'tickers' });
myField.setValue([ { symbol: 'test' } ]);

Sadly enough nothing happens, and no error is thrown.

However... when logging


it logs the array length of the field, not the actual value itself.

Something else I tried:

const [ allFields, dispatchFields ] = useAllFormFields();
dispatchFields({ type: 'UPDATE', path: 'tickers', value: [{ symbol: 'test' }] })

But sadly... no luck there.

Bump 👀

@jmikrut here you go

  • discord user avatar
    last year


    will cross-post my answer here:

    one note, we are about to release changes that make it a LOT easier to programmatically update arrays

    but in the meantime, i wrote up an example for how to do it here:
  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Ah, in the meantime I'll try that! thanks @jmikrut 🙂

  • discord user avatar
    last year

    of course! and keep an eye out, lots of new arary stuff coming soon

  • default discord avatar
    derosullast year

    Sweet! can't wait

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    johnrisby11 months ago

    @jmikrut has the new array stuff been released yet? I've been doing a lot of work with arrays over the last day or so, and I've not come across anything yet so it's been a bit of a pain tbh 😉 thanks

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago


    yes, the new array stuff has been released and is documented

    check the




    , and



    they have examples as well

  • discord user avatar
    11 months ago

    And if anything is unclear let us know and we can add other examples 👍

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    johnrisby11 months ago

    ah thanks Jarrod, yes, I have seen them, I wasn't sure it was something else though. I used removeFieldRow yesterday to remove an item from an array. I do have a remaining problem (after an item is removed from the array, some of my code is updating the wrong index) but I think that's my fault in terms of setting up useField hooks with the old path names (ie. item.2...) and then not updating them with the indexes change.... I'll shout if I'm totally stuck though! thanks!

    ok, I've managed to make a lot of progress on this now. I've replaced two uses of useAllFormFields which were bugging me - and also fixed the problem I mentioned above - but I did hit a problem with replaceFieldRow.Also to do with indexes but not connected.

    This is probably totally my fault but it took a while to work out what (I think) is going on and maybe explaining it could help someone else.

    I was iterating through an array of items, amending them, and then replacing that row with the amended data. But I was doing this in a loop, and it was causing strange things to happen (to be more accurate, it seemed to lose the first item in the array, ie it moved 1 to 0, 2 to 1, 3 to 2, 4 to 3, and left 4 in at 4 as well - so I lost the first item, and the last was duplicated). I noticed it was also changing the IDs of the items even though I was "replacing" it with the same field data with the existing ID.

    In the end I realised this was probably the problem and decided to stop replacing the rows during the loop and instead replace the entire array at the end by using UPDATE on dispatchFields from useForm. That works as I'd expect it to.

    This means I've also managed to get rid of a recursive function I wrote to set all the fields individually which I didn't like but seemed necessary yesterday.

    Am I right in thinking the use of replaceFieldRow in the loop was causing this problem with the lost item, possibly due to the order of the items being changed when the row is replaced? And is this something I should have realised? 😉 Maybe it's something that could be noted in the docs (unless I'm the only person who would make this mistake!) Thanks!

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